Wild Horse 200 Wild Horse 200 Training Plan How I'm planning to ready my body for this frankly incomprehensible 200 mile race across the boundless beauty of South Wales
Epona 100 Ultra Epona 100 Fuel & Pace Plan 4 weeks til the big day: here's how I'm planning to tackle the hardest thing I've ever done.
Epona 100 Ultra Epona 100 Training Plan How I'm planning to strengthen up for my first 100 miler: principles, week by week & session types.
Green Man Featured Winter Green Man Ultra - One Week Left! How all the training & preparation for the big day has gone
Training Plan Featured 2022 Training Plan & Events Kicking off the new year with a new plan and list of events
Green Man 10 Weeks to Go! Ultra Training Status 8 weeks into the training plan and things are getting serious!
Training Plan Training Plan for the Summer Green Man Ultra A training plan to help me get over the 45 mile finish line in one piece, hopefully without too much crawling.