Ultra Training Week 4 Retrospective

Training Breakdown

  • Monday - 23k Long Run
  • Tuesday - 11k Speed
  • Wednesday - Rest
  • Thursday - 10k Base
  • Friday - Rest
  • Saturday - 20k Long Run
  • Sunday - 28k Long Run

Thoughts & Challenges

Completing The Cotswold Way

I've been running the Cotswold Way in sections for the last 2 months, doing a series of out and back runs for my long runs over its many beautiful hills. As of Sunday I finally finished, pulling into Chipping Campden on the last training run of the week.

I got incredibly lucky with the weather on the day with the sun out in force for the whole 3 hours, whilst it absolutely tipped it down back home in Bristol.

The one thing I won't miss is the hours drive to the segments up Cheltenham way, often I was driving more than I was running in the mornings!

A 92k Training Week

Last week I covered a total of 92.83km running, beating my previous best of 80.25km. The legs are certainly feeling it now, especially after the back to back runs of the weekend.

Lydiard Lacing & Extensor Tendonitis

Image credit to the fantastic Ian's Shoelace Site

After Saturday's 20k, which involved a lot of climbing over rocks and a long straight faster paced section on the second half, the tendon on top of my foot was screaming again. This was horrid news, I thought it was getting better, I'd taped it and yet it had come back in anger.

I think the root cause was tight lacing again, using the ankle lock combined with the climbing and pace of the run.

To combat this I've sworn off ankle lock for the moment (it's great for stopping toe bashing, but I'd take bruised toes over tendon issues any day of the week!) and moved to Straight Bar Lacing (otherwise known as Lydiard Lacing).

The idea is that Lydiard Lacing removes the crisscross of laces across the top of your foot, which usually put pressure on your tendons. Instead each lace crosses in a straight line without any overlap.

Leaving the shoe especially loose I tried it out on Sunday's 28k whilst still being strapped up and it was like night and day. No issues post run, no pains whilst out there, all good.

I'm going to keep an eye on it however so far a big thumbs up for Lydiard Lacing.