All The Clifton Views - Friday Route Recommendation

Distance: 11km
Elevation Gain: 158m
Type: Trail
Route Link: Komoot | Strava

A big ol' variety run hitting all of the main viewpoints around the Downs & River Avon.  Mainly road / paths with some trail running in the Gully and Nightingale Valley.

It starts at the edge of Ladies Mile, to the west of the Cafe, then cuts across the Downs to Circular Road for our first viewpoint of the River Avon and Bridge at Sea Walls.

View from Sea Walls

From there it follows Circular Road a little further before cutting onto the Goat Path, a trail running down a gully to the Portway below. Then it follows the River Avon under the Bridge.

Goat Path through the Gully

A nice long flat stretch along the Portway until the route hits the harbourside, where we cross the lock around the Cumberland Basin to the other side of the Avon.

Edge of the Harbourside

Proceeding back up the River Avon, this time along the trails, the route reaches Nightingale Valley, a steady climb up into Leigh Woods.

Nightingale Valley

Coming out of the woods it's a straight shot over the Suspension Bridge. Due to Covid regulations you have to walk over the bridge, so good excuse for a break.

Views towards Bristol from the Bridge

The route then goes over the Clifton Observatory before proceeding along the tree lined path back to the Downs.

Clifton Observatory

Then it's back up Ladies Mile for a shot to the finish.